Episode- Girl meets I do
what do i think of Girl meets i do
Character Kathy and shawn Hunter Paring
what do I think of the episode last night well it was a good episode i was happy for Shawn Hunter he got married to Maya MOm i was happy to see Feeny back on the show, i always wanted to see my favoirte Character Shawn hunter get married even though things did not work out for Shawn and Angela Shawn said to maya that he'd love her!! they were going to Fiji i thoguht to myself if Josh mathew, could see Shawn get married to Maya mom; I'M sure COrey told him
Im also happy that Josh said to maya that he likes her too and he wants to be in her life" and she wants to be in his, and someday they are going to be Boyfriend and Girlfriend, once i get Boy meets world Season 6 i want to hear what Corey told JOsh when he was little so he can tell him again that someday he's going to meet a woman as wonderful as topanga--Eaf 18:14, August 13, 2016 (UTC)