Girl Meets Roots (Part 3)
The door was opening, as everyone's hearts were beating on the verge of bursting. "Is everything alright?" Their next-door neighbor, Mr. Feeny, came rushing into the devastated household. "I just saw the ambulance drive past!" Cory stood up and approached Mr. Feeny. He hesitated on what he was going to say but just gave Mr. Feeny a hug.
"Merry Christmas, Mr. Feeny. You stay next door and continue the holiday celebrations. You don't need to stay here," Cory expressed.
Mr. Feeny ignored what Cory said and walked directly to the couch, sitting next to Topanga and Auggie. "Yes, I do," he replied. “I am not leaving! I am part of the family, aren’t I?”
The moment was cut short when the entrance had two other people joining the worrying people. Thes…
Girl Meets Roots (Part 2)
Tension was brewing in the air. Cory was just kilometers away from confronting the disaster that had just occurred at his childhood home. Cory was still a child, encountering new challenges and learning lifelong lessons everyday. Nothing had changed. He still went to school; he still had Topanga and his parents still lived in the same home.
Just meters away from the destination, everyone was quiet. This was a silent night, but not as peaceful as the song. The only sound heard was everyone's feet, trudging in the snow. Cory thought about all the moments he had shared in this one area of land. This was not just a house but a home, his home. “Dad?” Riley asked. “Can I ask you something?”
Cory sighed as his foot landed hesitantly on the front st…
Girl Meets Roots (Part 1)
Girl Meets World – Girl Meets Roots
By Bails219
It was two days until Christmas. The festivities in New York were gradually blooming as the days went by. A family of four prepared their Christmas tree, with the help of a friend. This family had an annual tradition of having families and friends over for dinner.
Riley, the eldest daughter, assisted her brother, Auggie, in placing the ornaments high. Topanga and Cory wrapped their arms around each other and starred at their family. Even though they had only given birth to two children, they had three, one being their daughter's best friend, Maya.
Riley and Maya had a plan. All Riley wanted for Christmas was the brand new X-Phone, but her parents wouldn't allow that. After multiple times of beggi…
NEW Episodes
When do you think that Season One will finish and Season Two will begin airing? I'm thinking sometime in Early/Mid 2015