Girl Meets World Wiki
Girl Meets World Wiki

Austin9393 Austin9393 16 January 2017

Girl Meets World Appreciation Week: Crew Day

Today in Girl Meets World Appreciation Week is CREW DAY! The crew consists of all the writers, directors, production managers, editors, etc. All the people who make this show possible! Posting about all the crew members of the show would be too much, but we just want to give the GMW crew a big...

(sorry this blog kinda sucked, but tell me in the comments what you like about the crew!)

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Austin9393 Austin9393 15 January 2017

Girl Meets World Appreciation Week: Episodes Day

We're are now 4 days into Girl Meets World Appreciation Week and it's been going pretty well so far! Do you know what today is? It's one of the biggest days of the week: Episodes Day!

Girl Meets World is a show and a show is made up of episodes right? The episodes are what make Girl Meets World, Girl Meets World. They are where we find ourselves in the world of the gang for 30 whole minutes, falling in love with the people and the places that we meet as we follow the story that our favorite people are experiencing. Once the 30 minutes is up, we fall out of that world and back into reality, leaving us excited to go visit it again. Girl Meets World ended up producing 71 episodes. That's 71 stories of Riley, Cory, Maya, Lucas, Auggie, Topanga…

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Austin9393 Austin9393 15 January 2017

Girl Meets World Appreciation Week: Cast Day

Hey! It's the third day of Girl Meets World Appreciation Week and what's today's day? Cast Day! Today we will take time to appreciate the wonderful cast members of Girl Meets World! These seven cast members for four years have portrayed the seven main characters of Girl Meets World: Riley, Cory, Maya, Lucas, Auggie, Topanga and Farkle. They have brought so much joy into our lives being super funny, talented, and by just being themselves!

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Austin9393 Austin9393 14 January 2017

Girl Meets World Appreciation Week: Characters Day

The first day of Girl Meets World Appreciation Week is over. Now move on to day two, Characters Day!

So many characters, so many personalities, so many inspirations. Girl Meets World has brought us many fictional people who have each made us so happy in so many ways! Riley Matthews, Cory Matthews, Topanga Matthews, Auggie Matthews, Maya Hart, Lucas Friar and Farkle Minkus are just some of them. Let's start off with Riley! She is bubbly, outgoing, cheerful, optimistic, intelligent, and slightly awkward, and while she is also sensitive, she is not afraid to voice her opinion about things, and will readily stand up for her friends and family. At first Riley seems immature and noticeably awkward, but as the series progresses, she begins to dres…

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Austin9393 Austin9393 14 January 2017

Girl Meets World Appreciation Week: Creators Day

Girl Meets World Appreciation Week kicks off today! And we're starting the week off with one very important man... MICHAEL JACOBS We know his name, we see it at the end of every episode, they’re the reason why we’re all the Girl Meets World maniacs we are today, it’s the Girl Meets World creator! Today we are taking a day to appreciate this talented man who are the whole reason why Girl Meets World exists, we got to learn so many valuable lessons and see the beautiful daughter of Cory and Topanga grow and all the beautiful friendships. Heck, he is the reason why most of you even got what any of that meant! He is the reason for this show and honestly, I don’t even know if we can thank them enough for it.

FUN FACT: Did you guys know that Michae…

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